Edward Norton

by Anna Barr
(Seattle, WA)

Edward Norton

Edward Norton

When I lived in Japan, Edward Norton (The Bourne Legacy, The Incredible Hulk) would give interviews in fluent Japanese, afterwards I learned that he studied Japanese and lived there for about two years.


Thanks for your contribution. It is always great to add more celebrities to our list of bilingual celebs.

We assume that you must also speak Japanese well in order to understand Norton when he was interviewed in Japan. We'd love to have you tell us more about how you learned it and why you decided to study Japanese.

What took you to Japan and what did you learn about the culture there? Take a moment to check out our culture pages and submit a story or two of your best cross cultural experiences. We don't have any submission (yet) about Japan.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Leslie and the YLG team

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